Over the last several years the number of Active Shooter events throughout the United States have increased, so too has the number of incidents within healthcare facilities. Healthcare Facility [...]
Each year there are certain trends associated with security that seem to capture headlines across the country. In many cases these headlines are associated with workplace violence. However, [...]
Security Liability Exposure Did you know that your security liability exposure may be increased if you have security officers on staff? The increased exposure will not be a direct result of [...]
New terror threats seem to come out all the time, and in most cases they are directed at places in Europe or other foreign lands. However, with the recent terror threat against the Mall of [...]
Healthcare security management has an important role in managing security risks, and in this case we are talking about managing risks associated with security officers that are not hospital [...]
It seems anymore that there are a number of things that may happen in our daily lives that have the potential to create a risk for civil unrest. Trigger Points In today’s world the trigger points [...]
Effective Place Management is the evaluation of how effective the protected area or area in question is being managed. In other words, is the property in question being properly managed to the [...]
Terrorism is defined by the FBI as “the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in [...]
So who holds the keys to your facilities? Are you sure about that? The fact of the matter is you may have the best laid plans for your access control and key control, but your employees may not [...]
It is a fact that most people have a cell phone and a high percentage of those phones are smart phones, basically a mini computer in your pocket. These devices are not going away, but there [...]