Over the last several years the number of Active Shooter events throughout the United States have increased, so too has the number of incidents within healthcare facilities. Healthcare Facility [...]
Effective Place Management is the evaluation of how effective the protected area or area in question is being managed. In other words, is the property in question being properly managed to the [...]
Terrorism is defined by the FBI as “the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in [...]
Does having metal detectors ensure that no weapons will get past the screening area? Keep in mind that we are not talking about police or security officers having weapons beyond the weapon [...]
In years past those that were hired to perform security duties were referred to as Watchmen or Security Guards. For the most part they were nothing more than an employee or contracted service [...]
Terminations, Bullying, Layoffs, Domestic Violence, Criminal Acts; these all can be factors in workplace violence incidents. They don’t always result in an active shooter incident, but the [...]
According to PrivateOfficer.com private security officers, contract and/or proprietary have been named in over 1,000 civil suits so far this year (2011). By far the most cases were filed for [...]
Do you own a ballistic (bullet resistant) or stab vest? Does your staff wear them? Did you know that vests have a shelf life? Security Officer Ballistic Vests If you own one, or your staff wears [...]